Portfolio > Interviews with Escapists

Painting of escapism by Karley Feaver
Peter Property Broker
Acrylic on canvas
1500 x 1000mm


Peter is the first person I have interviewed for this project. A willing participant, he was keen to help me shape my questions and be part of the project. He is just as interested to know why escapism is such an interest to me, as I am to know about his escapism experiences and thoughts.

My first question for Peter was “What does the word escapism mean to you?”. He
replies, “to me it is escaping from stress, difficulties, monotony or suffering. To
somewhere relaxing, invigorating and rejuvenating. However, the somewhere does not need to be real, it can be an imaginary place”.

Peter has a love for the outdoors. One of the most memorable times in his life was in 1995, when he was 17 years old. He spent a year in Fairlie at the outdoor pursuits boarding school. His parents sent him there, he thinks it might have been to straighten him out. “I didn’t really find my place at Grammar School, so I started acting out,
getting into trouble and skipping school. So I think my parents had enough and hoped this would be a good thing for me”, said Peter. Peter gained some valuable skills whilst in Fairlie and also grew confidence within himself. Before he arrived he was a little
apprehensive, especially when it came to the outdoor activities. “I was timid, but I ended up pushing through all of that, finding my love for the outdoors and gaining

Now when Peter wants to escape, he thinks about places with isolation and ruggedness. But a place where he is in control and knows how to handle himself in that environment. He dreams back to his times in Fairlie.

His love for the outdoors is again made clear when I ask him if there is a place he
regularly visits when he needs to escape. This place is the Coromandel. And his
ultimate destination to escape to would be Revelstoke.

Peter is self-described as philosophical and driven. I think he is also passionate and caring and has an adventurous streak in him. He is also a thinker and loves to engage in meaningful conversations with people. His passion for life and the outdoors really shows through in his person.