Portfolio > The Messengers

Taxidermy Art by Karley Feaver
Taxidermy Mixed Media
Taxidermy Art by Karley Feaver
Taxidermy Mixed Media
Taxidermy Art by Karley Feaver
Taxidermy Mixed Media
Taxidermy Art by Karley Feaver
Taxidermy Mixed Media
Taxidermy Art by Karley Feaver
Mixed Media
Taxidermy Art by Karley Feaver
Taxidermy Mixed Media
Taxidermy Art by Karley Feaver
Taxidermy Mixed Media
Taxidermy Art by Karley Feaver
Taxidermy Mixed Media
Taxidermy Art by Karley Feaver
Taxidermy Mixed Media
Taxidermy Art by Karley Feaver
Taxidermy Mixed Media
Taxidermy Art by Karley Feaver
Taxidermy Mixed Media
Taxidermy Art by Karley Feaver
Taxidermy Mixed Media
Taxidermy Art by Karley Feaver
Taxidermy Mixed Media
Taxidermy Art by Karley Feaver
Taxidermy Mixed Media
Taxidermy Art by Karley Feaver
Taxidermy Mixed Media
Taxidermy Art by Karley Feaver
Taxidermy Mixed Media
Taxidermy Art by Karley Feaver

The Messengers
Showing 7th to 28th August 2020
12 Gallery, Auckland

Often colour serves to protect a bird by enabling it to escape danger or capture its prey. Among the many interesting phases of bird life, none possesses a more absorbing interest than that relating to their various kinds of mimicry. Many birds and animals have learned or have assumed a form of mimicry, whereby they so closely imitate their immediate surroundings as to pass unnoticed by their enemies.
The term "mimicry" is misleading as it conveys the idea of conscious imitation, especially as regards to colouration, which is supplied to the birds by the bountiful hand of Nature.

In this case, with The Messengers, these birds choose colour and adornment to flaunt and showcase themselves. They express their individualism through bold colours and show nature's ability to evolve by adapting, mutating, and adjusting to their environment. It’s this environmental and emotional flexibility that gives animals the opportunity to adjust to changes during their lifetimes.

The Messengers loud, flamboyant gestures are also a statement of power. These new species visually and emotionally explore transformation and cross the line between what is absurd and what is real.

“Inspiration for The Messengers comes from a variety of experiences I have encountered in the past 3 years. From spiritual encounters with Peruvian Shaman to learning Mexican huichol art. The birds are the spirit animals, The Messengers, of the journey and re-tell the stories in a simultaneously poetic and vexing way to give the viewer a more visceral reaction to the works.”