Portfolio > Interviews with Escapists

Painting of escapism by Karley Feaver
Bubbles, Fetish Worker
Acrylic on canvas
Diptych, 450 x 450mm (x2)

I visited Bubbles at her house. It’s a modest place, nothing flash, maybe a little
run-down. When I turned up she was playing monopoly with her partner. My first
impression was “Odd Couple”. However, as I spent time with them, they seemed like they compliment each other well.

Bubbles is a woman who is larger than life itself, full of energy, spirit and laughter.
Bubbles is a working girl and likes to specialise in fetish…mainly submissive than
dominant.  Although, she does describe herself as a dominant submissive…she is always in control.  Her clientele mainly consists of older men (in their 60s and 70s), cross-dressers and men who don’t necessarily want sex, just a cuddle or some

Bubbles got into the industry 8 years ago because she needed a new car, working in the industry changed her life, “for the better” she says. Although 2 years in she became a P addict, she has now been clean for 2 years.  Using at the time for her was a form of
escapism, not necessarily to get through the job, but to help keep up with the
competition.  When prostitution became legal back in 2003, Bubbles realised that she now had competition that she didn’t have before.

Bubbles place to escape is her balcony, she likes to sit out there and daydream, stare at the plants, have some alone time.  Bubbles says sitting on her balcony is relaxing, she doesn’t need to be anywhere else. She describes it as her “run away place”.  It’s not far to run though (in my mind), especially when you are also working from home. When asked if she has an indulgence or addiction, Bubbles answers “Marijuana, men and sex”.  

Escapism to Bubbles means “being able to imagine yourself in a different world, the want to be someone else”.